Commercial law

The majority of our clients consist of businesses. We are called upon daily to address various issues of business routine, whether they concern internal operational matters of the company or issues related to its relationship with third parties, such as individuals or the public. Our involvement is analyzed at a consulting level but also in the courtroom, where we ensure the best possible representation for our clients. Indicatively, we offer the following services:

In the courtrooms

  • we ensure the collection of commercial claims by strategically utilizing available means, aiming for efficiency in terms of time and resources (issuing interim measures – conservative seizures, annotations, etc., expediting compulsory execution – property seizures, bank deposit seizures, etc.).
  • We support the claims of our clients in commercial mediation relationships (agency agreements, distribution, franchise).
  • We represent our clients in disputes related to commercial leases (rental yield, rent adjustment) and financial leases.

We provide advice on:

  • Establishment of companies, formation and establishment of foreign companies, subsidiaries or branches of foreign companies, investment planning in Greece and the European Union, focusing on the selection and establishment of the most suitable corporate form.
  • Project finance.
  • Investment incentives, corporate transformations (conversions, mergers, spin-offs, acquisitions, etc.).
  • Corporate financing (bonds, syndicated loans, sale and lease back, etc.).
  • Commercial Arbitration.
  • Venture capital.
  • Consumer protection and liability issues for defective products (Law 2251/1994).

Corporate Law

Corporate law forms the basis upon which private initiative is organized and developed, constituting the most crucial aspect of modern economic life. Our company has a tradition of providing services related to corporate law to significant businesses in both the Greek and global markets. Specifically, the formation of the corporate contract and any external corporate agreements is the foundation on which the company will operate. The proper structuring of corporate documents is the most significant assurance to avoid future legal and non-legal disputes among partners. Simultaneously, a thorough examination of all corporate texts involves the full exploitation of the possibilities of both the majority and the minority. Indicatively, we provide our services in the following areas:

  • Establishment of companies and corporate formations of any legal type based on the specific agreements of the partners (a la carte), combined with the conclusion of any external agreements for greater flexibility.
  • Drafting balanced contractual texts, diagnosing conflicting interests of partners, and predicting cooperation procedures.
  • Legal due diligence in corporate portfolios for mergers and acquisitions.
  • Handling all legal processes and providing advice on issues of daily corporate life (company management and operation of administrative bodies, partners’ meetings, decisions, and minutes of administrative bodies and general meetings).
  • Addressing management issues (judicial appointment of management, etc.).
  • Protection of the rights of partners and the company.
  • Challenge of invalid and annullable decisions of the Board of Directors and the General Meeting.
  • Comprehensive legal solutions within the framework of the resolution or restructuring/rescue of companies, particularly based on our expertise in tax and financial law.
  • Full legal support on mergers and acquisitions, both on behalf of sellers and buyers. Critical legal stages for the successful and secure completion of such processes include legal and tax planning, legal due diligence, as well as negotiation and drafting of relevant contractual texts.
  • Providing advice and legal planning for corporate transformations. The creation of new national and European corporate types and substantial changes to existing ones create a dynamic field for finding the appropriate legal vehicle to achieve the business goals of our clients.
  • Dissolution and liquidation of companies (undertaking actions and legal assistance at every stage of the process).

Industrial Property Law

The company provides legal support in the following, indicatively mentioned cases:

  • Trademark, brand name, distinctive title, domain name registration and their protection against third-party attacks.
  • Registration of patent/invention, utility model, industrial designs, computer programs, etc.
  • Preparation of license agreements for patents, trademarks, etc.
  • Preparation of industrial property rights transfer contracts (patent transfer, trademark transfer, etc.).
  • Handling criminal law cases in the context of trademark protection.
  • Cancellation of patents or trademarks.

Competition Law

The importance of competition law is self-evident both at national and community level as it is the hard core of business law (or more broadly economic law) and a critical factor in shaping the market economy.
Greek free competition law is primarily governed by the provisions of Law 3959/2011, which replaced the older Law 703/1977, which is consistent in its provisions with the provisions of European Union law.
The law of unfair competition is regulated at the national level by the provisions of Law 146/1914 and concerns the control and limitation of illegal acts of businesses that aim to give them a competitive advantage over other businesses.

The company provides legal support in the following, indicatively mentioned cases:

  • Prohibited cartels (horizontal and vertical agreements)
  • Abusive exploitation of a dominant position (refusal of supply, practices preventing parallel trade, linked and group sales, pricing abuses, abusive discount policies, discriminatory pricing, etc.)
  • Business concentrations (control by the Competition Commission, corrective measures, commitments, etc.)
  • Administrative sanctions and appeals against fines imposed by the
  • Competition Commission
    Civil claims of third parties for violation of antitrust rules under AK 914
  • Defense against criminal prosecution under competition law provisions
  • Illegal posting of labor
  • Unfair product or service imitation
  • Copying an intellectual or inventive work
  • Infringement of distinguishing features
  • Misleading or comparative advertising
  • Defamatory information about a competitor
  • Illegal acts of market manipulation (product placement, sponsoring)
  • Preventive control and formation of vertical contracts (franchise, exclusive distribution contracts, etc.)

Latest news

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June 2024 – Judgement of acquittal for the offence of receiving fictitious invoices

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