June 2023 – Provisional Order of the Athens District Court regarding the suspension of the execution of a payment order.

June 2023 – Provisional Order of the Athens District Court regarding the suspension of the execution of a payment order.

A payment order issued by the Athens District Court was served to our client, instructing them to pay a total amount equal to the rent for a period of 20 months, to the contracting lessee. A petition for annulment was filed to cancel the payment order before the Athens District Court, along with a request for suspension of execution, seeking the grant of provisional measures in order to suspend the enforceability of the payment order with immediate effects. The Athens Peace Court, after considering the likelihood of success of our client’s petition for annulment, specifically the absence of the claim for which the payment order was issued, as during the period for which the lessee’s rent claim was awarded, the lessee company had no obligation to pay rent due to a verbal amendment agreement suspending the lease contract and consequently the obligation to pay rent. Therefore, the Court, considering the presence of urgent circumstances, ordered the suspension of the enforceability of the payment order without any conditions, until the hearing of the petition for annulment.