June 2024 – Municipal Fees: Annulment of charges and Court order regarding payback

June 2024 – Municipal Fees: Annulment of charges and Court order regarding payback

By virtue of its decision No. A80/2024, the Administrative Court of Chalkida accepted our appeal against the Municipality of Dirfys-Messapia, requesting the return to our client – legal entity – of the amounts paid for municipal fees through DEI (PPC) bills, as they were deemed unduly paid. Specifically, the Court accepted our claims that the regulatory decisions based on which the disputed amounts were imposed, did not meet the requirement for a specific justification. Given this and considering that the evidence did not show that the opposing party actually did provid the services of cleaning and lighting for which the municipal fees are imposed, it accepted our request and annulled the disputed charges of our client, obligating the opposing party to return the amounts paid, with interest from the dates of their payment.