July 2024 – Recognition of Professional Equivalence of a law school degree issued from a College in Greece

July 2024 – Recognition of Professional Equivalence of a law school degree issued from a College in Greece

By decision of the Independent Department for the Implementation of European Legislation of the Ministry of Education, the professional equivalence of the degree issued in favor of our client by a Greek College, which offered law studies based on the curriculum of a French University, with which the College cooperated, was recognised. In this case, the procedure provided by Presidential Decree 38/2010 was followed and our office submitted a relevant demand to the competent authotity of the Ministry of Education analyzing the existence of all the conditions required by law for the recognition of professional equivalence, limiting the scope of the Administration’s discretion. A preference application was also submitted and the process was successfully completed within one month. The recognition of the professional equivalence of a degree from a university of a Member State of the European Union or a third country with that awarded under the national education system gives the beneficiary the opportunity to gain access to Greece and exercise a specific economic activity as an employee or self-employed person under the same conditions and terms as the holders of the corresponding qualifications of the national education system.